News & Opinion

Xperate awarded LawNet Preferred Supplier status

Written by Xperate | Jun 1, 2022 9:18:00 AM

Recently we were delighted to learn that Xperate had been chosen by LawNet as one of their Preferred Suppliers.

LawNet, the leading UK network of law firms, works with its members to develop services and initiatives that help them to stay ahead of the competition, reduce costs, and increase efficiency and profitability.

LawNet firms are part of a network of over 2,500 lawyers across the breadth of the UK. New member firms are recruited by invitation, and only qualify if they pass LawNet’s stringent quality and service controls. This ensures their network is committed to the same rigorous quality standards and best practices.

You can find out more about LawNet here.

In becoming a preferred supplier, Xperate will offer LawNet members the same quality of service for any software development work undertaken. This may be a small project such as bespoke diary system, integration between your existing Practice Management systems, or even a larger project like developing a Client Portal.

If you have any development projects in mind or want to know more about our integration services, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to discuss your requirements.