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News and Opinion

New Office Opened in India

5 April 2022 | 2 minute read

This weekend we were thrilled to open our brand new office in central Pune,India.

Development of a New Risk Register

29 March 2022 | 1 minute read

When Coodes were looking for someone to develop a bespoke risk register for them they asked us to help. Read our case study on what we created for them.

NetDocuments Independent Software Vendor (ISV)

23 February 2022 | 1 minute read

Xperate are delighted to announce that we have become an accredited Independent Software Vendor (ISV) for NetDocuments.

Xperate achieves Cyber Essentials Certified Plus status

19 January 2022 | 1 minute read

We have been awarded Cyber Essentials Plus (CE+) certification, which is only granted after an external assessor has verified your security arrangements.

New Year, New Office, New Team

5 January 2022 | 2 minute read

What a start to 2022! Going against what appears to be the current trend we have started the New Year by opening a UK office in Winchester.

Stuart Hatt joins Xperate

22 October 2021 | 1 minute read

Another week and another high profile senior recruit, with well known and respected project manager joining Xperate as our Head of Operations.

Bharat Gidde joins Xperate as Chief Technology Officer

11 October 2021 | 1 minute read

We have furthered strengthened the management team of Xperate with Bharat Gidde joining as Chief Technology Officer.

Starting Out

9 September 2021 | 3 minute read

We launched our new business via LinkedIn on September 1st.

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